This parsley soup with noodles recipe is a bright & fresh bowl of comfort food! Great for meal prep, batch cooking, or making ahead. This hearty soup makes a great lunch or a light dinner! Serve with a salad and a slice of thick crusty sourdough for a fantastic and healthy meal.
Cook pasta according to package instructions. Drain and set aside for later.
Meanwhile, in a large soup pot, heat the olive oil over low heat. Add the onion and garlic and sauté for 5 or 6 minutes until the veggies become translucent. Add the carrots and celery and sauté for 3 minutes more.
Add the chickpeas, vegetable stock, salt, and pepper.
Chop the parsley leaves from the stems, and separate. Cut a piece of cheese cloth or use a cloth bag, and place the stems inside.
Add the parsley stem pouch into the soup pot, and allow the stems to be submerged.
Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer. Simmer for about 25 minutes until veggies are fully cooked. Remove the parsley stem pouch once done and add the fresh parsley leaves.
To serve, add noodles to a bowl and ladle the hot soup over. Wait until broth has fully cooked before adding pasta into the soup (to avoid overcooking). Garnish with extra fresh parsley and serve hot.
Cooking Pasta For SoupsFor most of my recipes, I cook the pasta separately from the soup broth. If you add dried pasta directly to a hot soup, you run the risk of having the dried pasta soak up all the broth and overcook the noodles (turning it soup into a mushy mess). I’ve found that cooking the pasta separately, then serving the broth over the noodles in a bowl works best. I allow the soup to cool, then add the cooked pasta after. That way you’ll have perfectly cooked pasta that holds it shape and a delicious brothy soup.